On the Idea of a Growth Mindset
Until today, I had not heard of Carol Dweck, but a few years ago I'd learned about the growth mindset in a high school class. On the spectrum of growth mindset, I see myself around the halfway mark for traditional school, but a lot further toward growth-mindset-style when it comes to music and other arts.
While at OU, I feel like my classes could have used more of a growth-mindset style. It felt like no matter how hard I tried, especially in my general chemistry classes, it just never got to the point I felt like I should be. And even though I like the idea of a growth mindset, in some instances it could be bad. For example, a class that consistently says "not yet." At what point will it be satisfactory? At what point will your work be enough? Constant striving would cause so much additional stress.
This semester, all my classes are non-major relevant (except for one) and seem like a lot of fun! In March my friend and I are both taking an Intro to Forensic Science class and I'm super excited for that one. Actually, all the classes I'm in this semester are more "laid back" than my traditional science courses, but maybe they only feel that way because they're more of a growth-mindset style than a traditional right vs wrong style.
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