Week 8 Progress
Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash. *I chose this image because, even though they're just mushrooms, they remind me of what I like in life and the joy fairytales bring me.*
- Looking Back -
I am really proud of my progress! Writing stories is one of my long-lost passions that got pushed aside by my science-heavy classes, so I'm really happy to reconnect with this part of myself. I'm most proud of last week's story, The Waterfall Cave and the Secret Garden. It has wonderful imagery, a good flow, and a happy ending.
My weekly routine is, well, a bit chaotic. It varies depending on the days my dad is off work. Those days, we go enjoy the island. The days he's working are when I focus on my assignments. But overall, I think it's been working okay!
The good news is, since I've realized I do way too much for my reading notes, I can cut back a bit which will be a relief! I really enjoy the readings, and my favorite part is writing stories. I'm glad to find out I only need to take notes on parts I really liked, and only a few stories, not every one of them. I've been using the Check-in-and-connect EC option each week, but I've been wanting to do more reading. The only thing holding me back were the notes. Now that I'm back on track, I'll probably be utilizing that EC option now, too.
Blog/Website-wise, I like the way things are going. I wish blogger felt a bit more organized, but it doesn't have code-editing options the way tumblr does. That's okay, though. I've customized it to my liking.
- Looking Forward -
I am really excited for how my storybook is going to turn out! I'm thinking about tweaking the music player so that each chapter will have a different music option to go with the mood of the story. The music player currently will stop as you change the page.
I'm also excited (and nervous) for the upcoming chapters of my storybook. I have a general idea of how I want it to go, but I need to brainstorm more of the details. The story as a whole has a couple similarities to outside stories, but the vast majority is original ideas. I have to decide what I want to paint on this almost completely blank canvas.
Side note: I might change up the fonts every now and then. This one is cute for thinking-out-loud posts like this, but I'll probably stick to my Fanwood Text font for the actual story posts, just to give a real book-like vibe.
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