Week 14 Microfictions

 As I took her hand, my world felt peace. I do not recall the transition from my home into this new world, but the colors were all new and more vibrant than even the brightest in the old world. As my feet felt the soft grass, my memories began to fade.

Author's Note: This microfiction is a dribble of what I think Connla would be feeling when he took the fairy maiden's hand and left his world for hers. He never went back to his old world, so I took creative liberty to say his memories started to fade once he entered her world.

I had not meant to appear on Earth, but once I saw him, I could not convince myself to leave. I stayed in a nearby forest, and when opportunity arose, I again tried to convince him to come home with me, where we could be happy and he would never grow old.

Author's Note: This microficiton is a dribble of what I think the fairy maiden would have thought and why she would have wanted Connla to go to her world with her. The original story made it feel kind of random why she wanted him to go with her, but if she fell for him that would make a lot more sense.

These microfictions were inspired by Connla and the Fairy Maiden from the Celtic Fairy Tales Unit by Joseph Jacobs (1892).


  1. Hello Kyra
    Your short stories have me interested in reading Connla and the Fairy Maiden. They sparked my curiosity. You told great stories with such a small amount of words. Great job!

  2. Hi Kyra! I have already left a comment on your portfolio (which awesome job by the way)! I have not tried the microfiction writing this semester simply because I was uncertain of what to write about. I think you did a great job with these stories, and you definitely got my mind thinking and my curiosity sparked. Great job Kyra!

  3. Hi Kyra! I love microfiction. I think it is a super good way to express yourself by making every word mean as much as it can. I think you did a super good job of using your words well throughout this microfiction! Good job!


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